

OpenBCI GUI Add-On

Class/Program OpenBCI
Collaborators Richard Waltman
Completed Summer 2019
Documentation View Here

Project Background

This project an add-on to the user interface of the OpenBCI software. I was tasked with making an SSVEP (steady state visual evoked potential) widget. The purpose of this was to create light frequencies through flashing squares, which one's visual cortex responds to by generating a matching frequency. SSVEP is an easy application of EEG to create mind-controlled applications.


SSVEP Widget Features

As this was to be a customer facing add-on, I tried to forsee as many applications as possible to ensure that the application worked well for users. This included:

  • selection of electrode channels located at occipital lobe (accounting for non-standard setups)
  • selection of the number of SSVEPs — and hence number of different frequencies — to be managed
  • SSVEP frequency selection and ability to pause/play blinking to prevent eyes from becoming tired
  • creation and optimization of a data format that indicates if SSVEP threshold has been reached (i.e. number of occipital lobe frequencies matching SSVEP is significantly higher) to allow widget to be used in other applications